Thursday, January 13, 2011

Platinum is Dominating

Platinum is making all markets look stupid.  Best to run to Tiffany, or at least do your shopping on line.  Every pretty lady should have a key around their neck, and why not make it platinum.  The less is bought for shiny the more is used industrially.  Medical equipment uses it, and cars will use it too.  Platinum is past its peak production level which came in 2009.  Today it reflected all these reasons in its price action.

After her sister meatls took a hit today platinum settled from her breakout and cascaded lightly back to $1800.  I have writ for quite some time about the $1800 level and that it would be the next breakout point for all four of the horsemen (Trinity plus oil).  Once platinum gets moving past $1800 look out for $2500.  It will be just around the corner.

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